Author Archive | M. Gilden

The Obsolescence Of The DSLR Camera

obsolete camera

SLR cameras have long been a staple of photography, dating back to the days of film. Short for Single Lens Reflex, the SLR gets its moniker from a spring loaded mirror behind the lens which reflects the view from the lens back up to the user.  When the shutter button on an SLR is pressed, […]

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Yahoo CEO Says There’s No Such Thing As A Professional Photographer


In a recent Yahoo press event discussing changes to the Flickr photo sharing service, CEO Marissa Mayer was asked why the Flickr Pro service was being discontinued. Her response, given 46 minutes into the interview, was a bit of a bombshell. “…there’s no such thing as Flickr Pro, because today, with cameras as pervasive as they are, […]

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