Archive | Science

Beginner’s Guide To World’s Smallest Transistor Made From Single Atom


On Sunday, February 19, Australian and American physicists working at Purdue University and the University of New South Wales reported in the journal Nature Nanotechnology that they successfully built a working transistor from a single atom using a reliable and repeatable process. Transistors are the fundamental building blocks of computers and many other modern electronic devices; […]

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Newt Gingrich + Moon = ???


Twenty-four men have been to the moon; of those 24, only 12 have ever walked on the surface, and, even in his alternate history novels, none of them was Newt Gingrich. This didn’t stop Gingrich from making absurd promises to a gathering of 700 space industry employees and their families this past Wednesday on Florida’s […]

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Russia Fails To Get It Up


The Russian Federal Space Agency, frequently referred to as Roscosmos, hasn’t had much luck with interplanetary missions in the past 20 years.  RFSA’s most recent space probe, Phobos-Grunt, has a saga that deviates little from the outcomes of predecessors such as Mars 98. Launched on November 9, 2011, Phobos-Grunt was meant to land on Mars’s […]

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Not Your Mother’s Beehive


The urban beekeeping trend has been steadily rising – at least among those with backyards or rooftop access (and accommodating landlords). The decrease in bee numbers has presumably contributed to this, as well as the growing popularity of organic foods. Beekeeping, although clearly not without its hazards, involves less work than vegetable gardens, and less […]

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