Archive | Music

Create Collaborative Concerts And Master Multi-user Music


Many years ago, I bought my first MIDI capable music synthesizer and realized that the MIDI standard was essentially the glue that would attach computers to musical instruments, opening up a world of new possibilities for musicians.  Not only did it allow a computer system with a full-screen monitor, keyboard, and mouse to become the […]

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Sony Music Unlimited, Isn’t.


Last week, Sony released an Android app for its streaming music service, Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity (not the shortest name in the industry, that’s for sure). Until now the service has been available only on computers and Sony internet-connected devices, like the PS3, but the new app puts it in direct competition with a […]

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The Complaint Department: PMPs, Apple, and the American Public

Jeremy Goldstone, technology journalist and social media professional, explains in each iteration of The Complaint Department why technology isn’t conforming to his specific needs right now and why that sucks. The state of the PMP market today sucks, and it’s not just Apple’s fault. It’s your fault too. In case you’ve forgotten, PMP stands for […]

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