Hour’s Worth of New York Minutes Fit In One Internet Minute


Have you visited Facebook in the last minute? So have 276,000 other people. How about watched a YouTube video? You joined an audience of 1.3 million. Tweeted about how much you have to get done today in so little time? So have 100,000 other people using Twitter. These numbers and more come form Intel, who published the results of a study on the amount of data traffic crossing through a network. According to the study, as much as “640K GB of global IP data is transferred in just one Internet minute.”

In the infographic from Intel below (click to enlarge), you can see where all of this traffic is coming from and going to.


Intel conducted this study of IP data traffic as a way to show the need for its next-generation communications platform with the fantasy story-like codename of Crystal Forest. The company claims that Crystal Forest can help service providers make it possible for “consumers to stay connected on intelligent devices every Internet minute of the day.”

Yes, because evidently, people need to spend more time online.

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