Tag Archives | video games

The Complaint Department: Duke Nukem Forever

Jeremy Goldstone, technology journalist and social media professional, explains in each iteration of The Complaint Department why technology isn’t conforming to his specific needs right now and why that sucks. What the hell? Seriously, what the hell? You took 12 years to make that? OK, I realize Gearbox, the  final dev, didn’t work on it […]

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Playstation Network Issues Apology, Gifts


As you’ve likely heard, Sony’s Playstation Network has been hacked (a couple times), and the service was down a good while as they repaired the gaps in security. That aside, Sony is now “making good” on their goof-ups, and are all but throwing free things at users hoping we’ll forget their indiscretion and move on […]

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Segues: An Empty Wallet Is A Full Wallet?

Xbox PayPal

Each Segues  column starts with something tech-related before quickly branching out from there into a tangentially related thread. These articles are born from my thought and speech patterns that regularly contain quickfire transitions. For one of my birthdays, a friend made me a crown that said “King of the Segues.” Actually, it said “King of […]

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