Author Archive | Ari Baronofsky

A Double-Edged Multitool: Leatherman Releases The Raptor

Leatherman Raptor

While I’ve been licensed as a basic EMT (unlike paramedics in my state, I can only dispense certain specific medications, can’t start IVs, intubate, or use an EKG or non-automated defibrillator) since 2004, I’ve never actually worked professionally as an EMT. I’ve volunteered on multiple occasions for the Boston Marathon, and I’ve taught continuing education […]

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Hubway Provides Rental Pedal Power


It started with my bucket list. “Go into space” was nixed by my then-girlfriend/now-wife after a viewing of Apollo 13 on one of our early dates. “Go skydiving” was met with “after any hypothetical children are done with college.” “Learn to drive stick” would require access to a car with manual transmission. “Finally learn to […]

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