Author Archive | Dina Ehrenburg

Apple Scores Victory Over HTC, Sort Of, With Qualifications


The International Trade Commission issued its ruling this past Monday, finding that HTC technology infringed on two claims in Apple’s iPhone patent. The claims are related to the data tapping feature that marks telephone numbers and email addresses within a document that converts them into actionable links. ITC’s ruling bans HTC phones with this feature […]

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Not Your Mother’s Beehive


The urban beekeeping trend has been steadily rising – at least among those with backyards or rooftop access (and accommodating landlords). The decrease in bee numbers has presumably contributed to this, as well as the growing popularity of organic foods. Beekeeping, although clearly not without its hazards, involves less work than vegetable gardens, and less […]

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Amazon Launches Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, With 22 Catches


First free video, now free books. Amazon has launched their Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, available to Amazon Prime members, at no additional cost. Users may borrow select titles for an unlimited time, without due dates or extra fees.  There are 5,000 available titles, and the selection seems reasonably wide, including titles from the New York Times […]

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Facebooking For Great Justice


Attempts by police to involve civilians in crime prevention are nothing new, such as the various neighborhood watches. “If you see something, say something.”  Now, Sheriff Al Lamberti of Broward County, Florida, has taken the traditional community outreach to Facebook. Besides event announcements, virtual campaigning, and routine PSAs, Sheriff Lamberti’s fan page posts information about […]

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