SnApp Judgments: Convertr

Every night at 12:15 AM Pacific, Amazon gives away a free paid app through their Amazon app store. As I am usually awake at 12:15 AM Pacific, why not let you know if today’s app is useful, or just more clutter in your app drawer?


Today’s app is Convertr by Vervv LLC, which usually costs a whopping $.99. Convertr lets you convert measurements from one form to another. Miles to kilometers, for instance. It does what it says it does. It also makes a snazzy little noise when you enter numbers or change measurements. And that’s about it. Don’t get me wrong, I can see where the app would be incredibly useful. This is an app I could see keeping, but there’s only so much I can write about it. To paraphrase Popeye, it is what it is and that’s all what it is.

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