SnApp Judgments: Doodle Fit

Every night at 12:15 AM Pacific, Amazon gives away a free paid app through their Amazon app store. As I am usually awake at 12:15 AM Pacific, why not let you know if today’s app is useful, or just more clutter in your app drawer?

Today’s free app is Doodle Fit by Advanced Mobile Applications LTD, ordinarily coming in at $.99. It’s a puzzle game at its most basic: you’re fitting Tetris shapes into an area. Except unlike in Tetris, the shapes are not moving, and you are not rotating the pieces. You are just dragging them onto the game board and hoping your spacial awareness is strong enough that they fit, like in IQ tests.

The game has a soundtrack that sounds like 20 seconds of a Gameboy cartridge on permanent loop and a quirk to the graphics that wiggles the shapes, but that can be turned off in the options menu if it gets on your nerves. While the game is not the deepest, I actually played it for 20 minutes or so before doing a write up on it, which is pretty good for a cell phone game. I may just leave this one installed on my phone for a while.

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