Haters Gonna Hate, YouTubers Gonna Sing And Dance About It


If you’ve spent more than 10 seconds on YouTube, you know it’s home to some of the worst trolls the internet has to offer. Seriously, haters are like a cottage industry over there. This morning, Isabel Fay and the rest of the folks at Clever Pie released “Thank You, Hater!,” a response to trolls in the form of song and dance, and it is divine. It gets a bit NSFW , but put on your earbuds and guffaw along with us, won’t you?

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz2jbCJXkpA’]
Make sure you look at the comments for this video. It took less than eight hours to get a detailed racist comment (now deleted), a non-ironic “Um, you forgot…” comment, and several lengthy dissertations on the difference between haters and trolls. Couldn’t be more perfect if Clever Pie teamed up with the YouTube haters and planned it.

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  1. 7 Choices Google Should Add To New “I’m Feeling…” Button - August 28, 2012

    […] I’m Feeling Masochistic: Returns the YouTube video with the most new comments. […]
