Comments on: Netflix Still Stealing Cable Customers get excited Fri, 18 May 2012 17:47:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: gmanthebrave Fri, 06 Apr 2012 18:22:00 +0000  

It seems to me Matt that the people who are more akin to the
internet are the one’s attracted to articles like this, since there are still
over 100 million pay TV subscribers, which is many more than alternative
subscribers alone.  I have both DISH and
Blockbuster @Home and the way my Hopper whole-home DVR gives me the streaming
part is so convenient.  I don’t have to
buy a compatible device, and the DVR stores 250 hours of HD, so it’s a
win-win.  I think people are looking for
more value with their provider, and I see that efforts like how the Hopper,
from my employer, DISH, can be free for new customers gives them more of what
they want.
