Samsung And HTC Put Minis On For Summer

Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini

Spring saw two exciting flagship phone launches with the release of the Samsung Galaxy S IV and HTC One. For those who wanted something with a little less flash, both companies are adding mini versions.

The Galaxy S4 Mini will sport a dual-core chip behind a 4.3″ screen and smells an awful lot like rebranding the Galaxy S3’s innards in an S4 styling. The HTC One Mini isn’t official, but a reliable source has sent Engadget a photo and details. The smaller 4.3″ body is going to be of the same metal design as the larger One and carry some of the same software features, but eschew at least one hardware feature, the IR blaster. Apparently, HTC’s UltraPixel tech (lower megapixel count but a larger lens, so pictures look swell) will be on board in some way.

While both Minis are meant to be budget choices, I can’t say I would suggest an S4 Mini over getting a free S III with contract, something bound to be standard from multiple vendors any day now. The HTC One Mini is a harder call, as there isn’t a similar existing handset.

The average smartphone was 3.5″ a few short years ago and 4″ was considered large. Yet we are now in a place where where a 4.3″ screen is mini. Kind of mind blowing.

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