Comments on: Verizon Wants Spectrum, Warns Of Falling Skies get excited Wed, 07 Mar 2012 13:11:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Wed, 07 Mar 2012 13:11:00 +0000 Its got to start with the developers believe it or not. In years of using a Windows mobile phone (WM5/6/6.1) I rarely used as much as a gigabyte of data in a month, averaging 200-400MB. In about a year using an Android Phone I’ve gone over a gigabyte in a month 5 times and average 800Mb a month. I have all the apps on my phone set to not automatically refresh/sync data so why is the number so high I’m still accessing the same information for both work/personal use. I believe its the way the apps are written. I’m thinking mobile sites are going to have to compromise between a full web experience and the old text only wap experience, most likely somewhat less interactive  than whatever the iPhone/iPad version is.

BTW: Why can’t web sites just check the info the web browser provides them as to what the screen resolution is and feed the browser a page that best fits its screen, I see no reason to be getting a 1024×768 designed iPad page on an iPod touch or an Android phone with an 800×480 WVGA screen.

By: Walshke_10021 Tue, 06 Mar 2012 19:03:00 +0000 Wow, does this mean I may have to get a landline again? I haven’t had one in years.

By: RaananInAlbany Tue, 06 Mar 2012 18:47:00 +0000 Here, here. For two months of data service now Roth VZW, I’ve only used 1.2GB each month. And that’s with my constant picture uploads to various support desks, paperwork being uploaded to superiors, etc. If I wasn’t so “data hungry”, I’d average only a few hundred MBs, most likely. People who complain of being throttled after 3GB really should keep quiet.
