Windows Phone 7 Pulls Ahead of Blackberry OS in Most Important Way Ever

But will it run my IMPORTANT apps?

It’s official. If you’re one of the few but proud Windows Phone 7 users, you can now download and play the current game du jour, Angry Birds.

Sure, this doesn’t seem like news but as I note in the headline, this now leaves only one mobile OS that doesn’t run Angry Birds. For goodness sake, you can play it on Symbian, Maemeo, or WebOS.

RIM doesn’t have the excuse of not having touchable phones anymore. Heck, the PlayBook without Angry Birds isn’t much of a plaything, is it?

Sure, it seems like I’m overreacting, but don’t dismiss the idea of being able to play the most popular mobile game out there on your OS. Especially when you’re shedding market share like a cat in spring.


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