PayPal Gets A Facelift

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PayPal has long been the standard in sending money electronically between two people. The e-commerce business has also been a stalwart in the SMB website market for accepting credit cards, and PayPal makes it easy for non-profits to accept donations from members. However, PayPal’s user interface has been the same for years and the company announced last year that it would be making some changes to its unwieldy and unfriendly user experience. Those changes never materialized. Hopefully, those promised changes will occur now though because PayPal has released a tour of the new interface.



The biggest appeal of the new interface is the homepage that contains snapshots of all the accounts you have tied to PayPal.


The current site requires you to click on the Send Money tab and go through multiple steps to complete your transaction. PayPal’s new feature tour shows buttons to the most commonly used features right on the account homepage and likely the steps needed after you click the button have been streamlined as well.

While PayPal has been standing still feature-wise, a number of startups have come along in the B2C market with different payment technologies, including LevelUp in the Near Field Communications (NFC) arena. The other 800 pound gorilla in the electronic payments room is Google with Google Checkout and Google Wallet. PayPal used to be the only player in this realm and if it wants to remain relevant and a big player, the company needs to keep innovating.

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