Comments on: Digging Deeper Into The Bitcoin Mine get excited Sun, 13 Apr 2014 14:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Rahner Sun, 13 Apr 2014 14:00:00 +0000 Prox Trade 25% daily for 50 days
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By: Norman G. King Tue, 07 May 2013 03:07:00 +0000 This is ‘Virtual Currencies’ and people are starting to use them instead of ‘Fiat Currencies’ because people cannot trust governments and federal reserves in the age of continuing to just print more ‘fiat currency’ to solve economic problems and increasing the debt of a nation, causing hyperinflation and double digit job losses. The first one I can recall is Emperor Josh Norton I, he printed his own money, called it Imperial Dollars and people would accept them and trade them just like the US Dollar. In some cases they were even worth more than the US Dollar because of how rare they were, and each one was a work of art.

Bitcoin has a SHA-256 Hash to verify the coin is real, and Bitcoin mining tries to solve these SHA-256 hashes in transactions to run the transactions in a P2P network so there is no central bank that processes the transactions, the mining software does on each computer and then rewards the miner a fraction of a Bitcoin as a fee. Most people join Mining Pools and won’t get paid off until they earned 10 BTC or Bitcoins (BTC is the Bitcoin symbol).

The Federal government is basically treating it like a foreign currency.

With the ASIC Miners moving mining from thousands of cycles per second to millions of cycles per second the difficulty rating of earning Bitcoins has increased and people with GPU Miners won’t earn as much as they used to, so many switched to Litecoin which has a lower difficultry rating than Bitcoin because it does not use SHA-256 that the ASIC mining rigs are designed for, but uses a different one called Scrypt instead and ASIC mining rigs don’t work for Scrypt only CPUs and GPUs.
