Find Your Best You With Lift, Twitter Founders’ New Venture

Complimentary elevator music included.

If you haven’t noticed, Twitter’s a big deal. As a result, Twitter news is a big deal. So, when Twitter co-founders, Biz Stone and Evan Williams, publicly release their support for a new venture, people generally pay attention. Under the umbrella of the The Obvious Corporation, Stone and Williams released this vague statement to announce their support of an unreleased app named Lift, “an interesting new application for unlocking human potential through positive reinforcement.”  They go on to say, “We love this software for what it does, and because we’ve tried it and it works.” Love is a strong word, Obvious. I sure hope you mean it.

Without knowing much about Lift, people are grasping at straws for any hint of what this new app might look like. In an article by Marshall Kirkpatrick, a writer for, it’s noted that “what’s called Lift today was apparently called Mibbles just weeks ago and was described then as ‘a very simple tracking and encouragement tool.’” Kirkpatrick writes that through Mibbles users could form goal-oriented groups and award themselves achievements towards those goals, “for example, members of the #Health group have on multiple occasions said they ‘avoided refined sugars’ — so if you’re a member of the Health group, perhaps you should consider doing that too.” If Lift really does resemble this early prototype of Mibbles, it seems like quite the interesting foray into the motivational self-help industry. Maybe seeing your friends lose weight really can motivate you to lose weight as well.

Whatever Lift does, it can’t be any worse than the myriad of self-help books out today.  I write this, being the hypocrite that I am, with several motivational self-help books on my desk that I’ve been meaning to read for a long while now. Maybe Lift will finally motivate me to read them, or maybe this new app will convince me that I can be my best me without them.  Either way, this is an interesting direction by two people who created one of the most influential websites of all time, and I’m definitely curious to see what turns up with Lift.






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