Can HR Ever Be Techciting? ADP Hopes So

ADP: Letting You Manage Your HR Instead of Some Evil Cat

Odds are that by the time you read the words “Human Resources”, your attention has already moved elsewhere. However, despite the relative disinterest and disdain that some have for HR Departments, you can’t really ignore that HR is a billion dollar industry.

For those with any sort of interest in the HR business, the name ADP is a familiar one. Basically, they’re the big dogs. What they’ve done that’s cool is give the ability for an employee working for one of their clients to access their HR info via iOS. You could already do it over the web, but the more specific app is a bit tighter and easier to use.

We at Techcitement had a quick demo of the new software at Pepcom’s Digital Experience in New York and it was pretty neat. You could clock in and out on it, say if you would be late, check out your salary, manage your retirement savings, and access your company directory. The iOS interface was actually a bit more friendly than the web one.

This app is free to end users whose companies use ADP for their HR solutions. As for the cost to companies, well, you’d have to ask ADP.

Clock in, tune out.


Not a bad start to retirement.

Political joke redacted.






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