Tag Archives | blu-ray

Judge Dredd! The Man! The Tech! The Reality!

Judge Dredd and his crew, here to round up the muties, the Finks and you!

The future America is an irradiated wasteland. On its east coast, running from Boston to Charlotte, lies Mega-City One — a vast, violent metropolis where criminals run rampant. The only force of order lies with the urban police force called Judges who have the powers of  judge, jury, and executioner for every crime — littering, […]

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Opening The “Bag Of Hurt” With Blu-ray Discs And Mac OS X

Macbook Pro with Blu-ray logo on screen

Despite Apple Macs still not including Blu-ray disc capable drives and Steve Jobs’s famous statement from late 2008, claiming the technology amounted to a “bag of hurt”, OS X users are finding a growing number of options for using the media with their systems.  For quite a while now, Blu-ray capable players and recorders have […]

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