Tag Archives | DMCA

U.S. Government Pushes Spain To Adopt Their Own SOPA


Thanks to Wikileaks’s distribution of diplomatic cables between the United States and Spain, we now know that the U.S. government heavily influenced the drafting of Spain’s copyright legislation. Now, a leaked letter, dated December 12, 2011, indicates the U.S. ambassador’s anger towards the Spanish Prime Minister’s office for failing to pass the Sinde Law, a […]

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Electronic Frontier Foundation Seeks To Widen DMCA And Modify Everything


Remember July of last year, when the U.S.  Copyright Office said it was totally cool for you to jailbreak your iPhone and there wasn’t squat Apple could do about it?  It’s time for the rest of the tech industry to shake in their collective boots, because the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the group that was at […]

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Is It Too Soon For Grooveshark’s Eulogy?


On Friday, November 18, Universal Music Group filed a lawsuit against online music streaming website Grooveshark, suing the site for $17 billion worth of copyright infringement and damages. Grooveshark has had several skirmishes with copyright infringement and lawsuit since the site was founded in 2007, but none that equal the lawsuit filed by Universal. Grooveshark […]

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