Tag Archives | Earnings

Is HP About To Pull An IBM?

I wonder how Oliver would react to this.

Here’s a little history lesson for the young’uns in the room: once upon a time, IBM made typewriters. Fast forward to 1981 and they came out with the IBM Personal Computer. This was a game changer, to the point that the nickname “PC”, became the defining term for home computers. Yes, your Apple was technically […]

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Radio Shack Dumps T-Mobile For Verizon — T-Mobile Insists It’s Mutual


RadioShack, who I refuse to call The Shack no matter how many PR dollars they invest, announced their second quarter earnings today and included this little bombshell: “Net income in the 2011 second quarter included one-time costs associated with two initiatives designed to enhance growth and streamline operations: a charge associated with phasing out T-Mobile […]

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