Tag Archives | NRA

SXSW: Al Gore Fires Up a Crowd (Really)


What is one to make of Al Gore? The former Vice President (introduced stumblingly by Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell as “Former President”) spent his SXSW Interactive address exhibiting a fire in the belly that has only manifested itself during his post-election career. To the democratic faithful, Gore was the profoundest of disappointments 13 years ago, […]

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NRA, You Made Yourself Into A Practice Range


The NRA has shamelessly released an iOS app almost a month after the Newtown massacre and in opposition to Wayne LaPierre’s very own words. Drowning in irony thicker than maple syrup, the aforementioned CEO personifies the idiom “do as I say, not as I do” by creating a gun-oriented video game. My problem isn’t with the blatant hypocrisy […]

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Intelligent Guns In The Age Of The Assassin

Tracking Point Precision Guided Firearm African Hunt

“The only person who could ever miss with this gun would be the sucker with the bread to buy it.”– Peter (Ken Foree), Dawn of the Dead (1978) TrackingPoint, the Austin, TX-based manufacturer of high-end rifles for wealthy hunters has introduced its Precision Guided Firearm (PGF) to the public. Using technology based on the tactical […]

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NRA, Are You The New Jack Thompson?

The National Rifle Association lay silent shortly after the horrific Newtown shooting in which twenty children and six adults were indiscriminately killed with a military-style Bushmaster rifle. It’s a tragedy that has seized America in grief. Using this moment of silence to assess their options, the NRA tactfully asserts their 141 years of wisdom to shovel the […]

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After Sandy Hook School Shooting, NRA Is MIA On Facebook

NRA Facebook

In these days following the brutal massacre of six adults and 20 children in Newtown, Connecticut, the National Rifle Association, America’s original gun lobby, has been unusually quiet. The lobby’s highly professional website sits without updates, its Twitter feed remains untouched, and the Facebook account reduced to a single image of the NRA logo and […]

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