Tag Archives | retro

SnApp Judgments: Atari’s Greatest Hits PRO (9 games included)


Every night at 12:15 AM Pacific, Amazon gives away a free paid app through their Amazon app store. As I am usually awake at 12:15 AM Pacific, why not let you know if today’s app is useful, or just more clutter in your app drawer?   Today’s free app is Atari’s Greatest Hits Pro by Atari, Inc. which […]

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Olde Tyme Techcitement: Teaching Old People How To Dial The Phone


Time for Olde Tyme Techcitement, where we take a look back at technology relics. It’s basically your grampa talking about the good old days, but sooner and totally more reasonable than dumb boring stories about how all this used to be farmland. This time around we have some techcitement that really is old. You know […]

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