Tag Archives | user interface

Listen Up, Google Listen, You’re Better Than This


Podcasts are great. Google is great. Google Listen, the company’s podcast player for Android, is not. Since its lackluster introduction in August 2009, Google has left Listen twisting in the wind with only extremely rare and inconsequential updates. Listen barely does the basic task it’s created for, and it’s far overdue for some TLC. The […]

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Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer Thinks Android Phones Are Too Complicated. Is He Right?

Could Steve Ballmer be --gulp-- right?

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s claim at San Fransisco’s Web Summit 2.0 that people need to be “computer scientists” to figure out how to use Android phones spurs Techcitement contributors Matt Algren and Tom Wyrick to provide their own, sometimes conflicting, thoughts on the situation. First, the clip: [yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTX1e-pMN6E’] Matt: What a dumb thing to […]

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Why I’m Not Typing This On A TouchPad

Photo from and property of  PreCentral.com

I love HP’s WebOS. I love the smooth multitasking, the great apps, the PIM solutions, the card metaphor, and pretty much  everything else. It’s easy for me to talk for hours about how great the platform is and how it deserves wider attention. I can pontificate about having actual access to my filesystem and being […]

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