Author Archive | Mordechai Osdoby

WWDC 2011 is Today

Today is WWDC and Apple is supposed to be announcing Big Things (like more 10.7 “Lion” details, iCloud, and possibly the iPhone 5). While Techcitement can’t be there in person, we’ll be following several liveblog and posting our reactions to our Twitter feed, @techcitement (which you, of course, already follow).

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Yes Virginia, There Are MacOS Viruses

Yes Virginia, There Are MacOS Viruses

There’s been a lot of recent talk about the virus MacDefender, a bit of clever Malware for MacOS that depends on the user installing it. There was a lot of  “See, we told you so” from the pundits who have warned for ages that the wider adoption of MacOS would make it a bigger target […]

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What’s In YOUR Google Wallet?

What's In YOUR Google Wallet?

Unless you’ve been chilling under a rock, you probably caught that Google announced the new Google Wallet. Using an NFC chip and MasterCard’s PayPass system (the one they’ve been slowly rolling out here in NY for ages), you can use your phone to pay for things. With constant rumors that the next iPhone will use […]

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DC Comics = Digital Comics?

DC Comics = Digital Comics?

If you’re a comic geek, like me, then you probably caught yesterday’s big story- DC Comics is rebooting their entire line. While this is interesting to many, it may puzzle you as to why I’d mention it here. FTA: In an even more important move in the competitive comics industry, DC is making all of […]

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