Google+ Wants The World To Know About You

Google+ profiles offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to privacy, but there are three pieces of information on them that are open to the public. Your name, gender, and profile picture are visible not just to your Circles and Google+ users, but the entire internet. That information shows up through Google’s own search engine.

Google+ uses your existing Google Profile if you have one. In the past, it was possible to make those profiles private. With the arrival of Google+, that’s changed. If you create your profile today, you have no choice but to make your name, gender, and photo public. Thanks to those detailed privacy controls, however, you can easily share or hide as much other information on your profile as you want with whoever you want.

Coming July 31st, Google will unveil one more change to their profiles service for existing users. Even if your profile was completely private before the launch of Google+, you need to make that minimum amount of information public. The good news is, if you don’t want it public, Google is not going to opt you in without permission. The bad news is, if your profile is private at the end of this month, it’ll be deleted.

Private profiles are something of a rarity to begin with, because few users go to the trouble to create a page with their online identity and then not let anyone see it. For those who’ve created a detailed profile they didn’t want shared, now’s the time to decide. Make your name searchable on the web soon or that work will be gone.

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