On The Cheap: Save $600 On Awesome Mac Software With MacHeist

If you have never played a Sam & Max game, I pity you.

Have I really not covered MacHeist here before? My apologies. OTC does tend to focus a bit on hardware, but let’s not forget the expense of software as well.

MacHeist offers great bundle deals, and for the next 24 hours, the site is offering a hell of a deal. The MacHeist 4 Bundle not only features $629 worth of Mac Apps for a mere $29, but 25 percent of the purchase price goes to one of 10 charities. You can even choose to split your 25 percent across all 10. In the time it took me to write this, the amount of bundles sold jumped from 22,317 to 22,420, which mean the site has raised a heck of a lot of money for charity.

What’s in the bundles, you ask? MacHeist has filmed a little video if you’ve the time.

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2_u4_kGQ2c’]

As someone who fixes a lot of Macs, getting DiskTools Pro is a huge deal. Spending the $29 is worth it just for that one app. What else is available? Frankly, a lot.

I’m not a huge Evernote user, but if you are, then know that you get a year and three months (arbitrary, that) of Evernote Premium for free in this bundle. There are some great games in there, like Bejeweled 3, Jurassic Park, and Sam & Max (note: both games require Steam).

Also, when 25,000 bundles have been sold, MacHeist will throw in BioShock 2 and Corel Painter Lite.

MacHeist is not known for being shy, and I can’t believe I almost missed this sale. Don’t make that mistake.

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2 Responses to On The Cheap: Save $600 On Awesome Mac Software With MacHeist

  1. James MacQuarrie October 25, 2012 at 1:51 PM CDT #

    A question….

    What OS is required for these apps? My home system is rapidly becoming antiquated; It’s still on OS 10.5x, and I believe it won’t run anything higher. I can’t upgrade yet, so even though this is a great deal, it may not be so great for me.

    Also, I’d like fewer games and more useful apps, but that’s just me.

    • Mordechai Luchins October 25, 2012 at 8:24 PM CDT #

      Unsure, James. Steam may require 10.6, and many of those apps need Steam to run.
