Tag Archives | intel

Hour’s Worth of New York Minutes Fit In One Internet Minute


Have you visited Facebook in the last minute? So have 276,000 other people. How about watched a YouTube video? You joined an audience of 1.3 million. Tweeted about how much you have to get done today in so little time? So have 100,000 other people using Twitter. These numbers and more come form Intel, who […]

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Will Pricing Doom Windows 8 Tablets?

iPad destroy

It has been some time since the folks at Microsoft had as much buzz about something as they presently do about Windows 8. The still-unreleased touch-centric operating system feels like a potential winner. That is, unless someone does something bone stupid, like price the hardware for it way out of the range of the average […]

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Tablet Thursday Digest: Injunction Junked

Get it? Kal-El? Action? Yeah? Oh never mind.

Well, that was fast. The injunction against the sale of the Samsung Galaxy Tab has — albeit temporarily — been lifted in the European Union (a notable exception is Germany, where the ban is still in place). This news came Tuesday a day after several blogs, such as PC World, pointed out that it looked […]

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