Tag Archives | Pinterest

President Obama Is On Pinterest, With Cupcakes


This week, President Obama’s campaign staff opened a Pinterest account. So far, the eight boards up feature typical Pinterest fare,with a political twist:  Obama-themed cupcakes, clothing, someone’s decorated fingernails. The “Pet Lovers for Obama” board, featuring adorable animals (another Pinterest must), may or may not be a dig at Mitt Romney, who strapped the family […]

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Pro-Anorexia Pinterest Trend Triggers Welcome Policy Change

Copyright RK Milholland, that magnificent bastard

Pro-ana. If you’ve never heard of this term before, then you, sir or madam, are a lucky person. Ana is short for Anorexia. Yes, that’s right, there actually exists people in this world who promote and push a horrific, potentially deadly eating disorder. Back in 2004, the popular web comic “Something Positive” stirred the hornet’s […]

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Facebook Announces 3,000 New Ways To Annoy The Crap Out Of Your Friends


Every now and then, someone on the Facebook team gives us another reminder that users are not their primary customers. Tuesday, it was project manager Austin Haugen’s turn when he announced a landmark for third party timeline apps. Some of the most innovative companies are launching new timeline apps this week at SXSW in Austin, […]

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