Opinion: Why I use an LG Optimus instead of a “Superphone”


With all the low budget Android handsets cutting corners, its easy to overlook the merit of the LG Optimus line.

I picked one up on the Sprint network a day after the launch expecting mostly to do a review and not keep it. I’m used to owning “Superphones” (read: whatever was the most expensive from the carrier at the time), so I wasn’t really expecting to like the budget line at all.

To make a long story short, I was wrong and it ended up being my daily driver.

Why? Many reasons. Its a surprisingly capable device and is super cheap to replace (I don’t even bother with insurance on the line). Sure, I’d love an EVO or Nexus S, and I’ve owned and used many super-phones (and still do for testing and work related activities). I never thought I’d be the one to say this, but I think I’m happier NOT having the top-of-line as my main phone right now. The attached image is the biggest reason for me.

I took this picture this morning, after neglecting to turn my phone off for a two day holiday. I had used it all day before, then left it on. Three days later, it was still kicking and took this picture before it finally gave out.

My previous HTC phone and other smartphones on the CDMA network could barely make it a full day, and my Touch Pro 2 in fact had a spare battery on tap in an external charger so I could swap in the middle of the day. Not having to worry about juice is HUGE for me.

Combine that with the same adreno GPU found in the EVO 4G, but at lower resolution (which means it actually outperforms the original EVO at scrolling graphics and 3D fps) and I just can’t justify giving this thing up.

That’s not to say I’m uninterested in the EVO 3D, Motorola Photon, Galaxy S 2, or other hot new Android handsets. Heck, I’m even excited to see what Apple rolls out next or the new onslaught of expected WebOS devices. But for my daily use phone, it’s going to be hard to give this one up.

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  1. The LG Marquee Disappoints | Techcitement* - October 27, 2011

    […] time I wrote an opinion piece, I shared some of my thoughts about the little LG Optimus S. Or, more specifically, why I appreciate it more than the bigger and beefier Superphones from […]
