Amazon Reviews As Protest Against Pepper-spraying Police Officer

As society and technology push forward, protest takes on different forms reflective of who and where we are. While the Occupy Wall Street movement has been more typical of historic protests – marches, sitting while linking arms – a new form of protest recently sprung up. After the pepper spray incident at UC Davis, protests have been lodged in the form of reviews on the Defense Technology 56895 MK-9 Stream, 1.3% Red Band/1.3% Blue Band Pepper Spray page. Some of the reviews take the snark to a new level by referencing other commentary, such as this comment by Kevin Mowery that riffs on Megyn Kelly’s pepper spray is “a food product, essentially” remark:

I heard some people raving about sriracha sauce, and I tried it despite its distressingly ethnic name. They call that hot? Then I heard Megyn Kelley on Fox News giving a rave review of this new hot sauce. Finally, something to put on my eggs in the morning that can give me the kind of spiciness I like in my food: the kind that causes blisters, swelling, and suffocation.

Best of all, its name is 100% American!

People are mad, and this is a great public forum for venting. Not to mention innovative. This what the internet is ultimately about – free expression, communities finding each other, and a whole lot of attitude. There is a long history of sarcastic Amazon comments, and it’s really cool, and even reassuring, to see a funny meme being used as an expression of political discontent. This is the exact opposite of the dire predictions that the technological age would speed up the decline into a police state.


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