SnApp Judgments: Cross Court Tennis

Every night at 12:15 AM Pacific, Amazon gives away a free paid app through their Amazon app store. As I am usually awake at 12:15 AM Pacific, why not let you know if today’s app is useful, or just more clutter in your app drawer?

Cross Court Tennis

Today’s free app is Cross Court Tennis by Refined Games Inc and usually runs $1.99. It’s a tennis game. A tennis game that can be summed up with a pop up that appears right before an actual game starts that says that the frame rate may drop when the first ball is served.

Seriously? That’s not a frame rate drop. It’s the first serve. Drop implies that there was a frame rate to begin with. That’s just a tennis slide show. I’m not sure what is worse, the fact that the game is unplayable, or the fact that the devs knew it was unplayable and figured it would be OK as long as they labeled it. “Caution: shirt may catch on fire when exposed to sunlight.” Somehow, the warning label really doesn’t cut it.

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One Response to SnApp Judgments: Cross Court Tennis

  1. Mordy G November 22, 2011 at 9:35 AM CST #

    With all due respect, it is very possible the problem lies with your device being underpowered. I’ve heard people praising the graphics of this game, and how it was actually one of the pros (the con being how much bloody space it takes up).
