SnApp Judgments: Duke Nukem 3D

It’s a bonus, non-Amazon edition of SnApp Judgments! I’m here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I’m all out of bubble gum, because the first chapter of Duke Nukem 3D is available in the Android Marketplace for free.

If you’ve never played Duke Nukem 3D… then you just made me feel really old. Suffice to say, it’s a seminal classic of the first person shooter genre. It was perhaps the first FPS to have players do more than just wander through identical hallways killing everything that moved. It had strippers, it had cheesy one-liners stolen from Sam Raimi and John Carpenter movies… basically, it had everything an 18-year-old me wanted.

The Android version of the game captures the experience of the original fairly well… assuming you used to play by mashing your forearm into the keyboard. Sadly, touch screens aren’t the best method for playing FPS. I managed to get somewhat accustomed to the game’s lack of control, but it was hardly an optimal gaming experience. It’s worth playing, just to see that your phone is capable of besting the best gaming hardware of 1996, but sadly, that’s about it.


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2 Responses to SnApp Judgments: Duke Nukem 3D

  1. John December 22, 2011 at 6:35 AM CST #

    on another note  Steam had the most recent Duke Nukem game Duke Nukem Forever available for $5, now its $10. might be worth it for a few laughs.

    • Anonymous December 22, 2011 at 10:59 AM CST #

      It really isn’t. Don’t make me dig up the link to the article I originally wrote about it. Oh dear god, was it a huge, huge mess. Just a complete foul up, in terms of both general game design and entertainment value. Even with the control scheme of a baboon with Tourette Syndrome, the Android version has more entertainment value.  
